
Current Issues and Concerns in MTB-MLE (Philippines)

 On July 21, 2021, I was invited by the PhD English Language Studies of the University of Santo Tomas, Manila through Dr. Andrew Bernardo to give a lecture (originally exclusively for his class but was opened to the graduate students and faculty) on the "Current Issues & Trends in MTB-MLE." Though I was given only a few days to prepare, I appreciate the chance to consolidate and organize my notes from my recent study and readings on MTB-MLE. 

Thanks to UST for giving me a copy of the video recording. I am sharing it here hoping that researchers would see the broader terrain of MTB-MLE. I noticed that most MTB-MLE research topics were perception studies. I hope that through this lecture, there will be deeper and productive engagements. 

Here is the broad outline of my presentation (it was delivered mostly in Filipino):

  • What is MTB-MLE? 
  • Research supporting MTB MLE 
  • Previous MTB-MLE-related initiatives in the Philippines  
  • MTB-MLE programs in Africa and Asia-Pacific
  • MTB-MLE brought shifts in literacy instruction 
  • MTB-MLE brought shifts in teaching additional languages
  • Framework for Functional MTB-MLE Program in Philippine context
  • Official languages for MT subjects in the Philippines 
  • Enabling Policies
  • MTB-MLE Curriculum
  • Teachers’ Training and Deployment
  • Localized Production of MTB-MLE Learning Resources
  • MTB-MLE Partnerships 
  • BASA Pilipinas Findings  
  • BASA Pilipinas’ Recommendations 
  • International assessments and language of testing    
  • Challenges (from DepEd-BCD Consultations) 
  • Possibilities 
I discussed the components of functional MTB-MLE program for country-wide implementation. I color-coded the ones needing urgent attention (yellow as urgent and red as more urgent). 


Key references cited in the presentation:

The video clip from a dual language class (Spanish and English) can be viewed in its entirety here:  SEAL.org